There’s an art to asking good questions in the sales process. You want to ask probing questions that help you get to the root of the problem. Rather than interrogating the other person, you should take a genuine interest and really listen to their responses. It’s also important to determine information such as who will make the buying decision and how fast they want to resolve their issue.

Elizaveta Shkurina, a creative strategist who specializes in sales enablement, recommends asking some specific questions early in the process. When you ask the right questions, you can fuel the sales cycle and cultivate more personal relationships. We share her suggested questions in this issue of PromoPro Daily.

1. What are your` goals – both short and long-term? These future-focused questions help you understand what your prospect wants to achieve. Shkurina says their goals will serve as the roadmap for the rest of the sales journey.

2. What inspired you to get to where you are now? Remember that sales are all about relationships. Asking this question helps you connect with the prospect on a more personal level. Shkurina suggests asking about the other person’s inspirations, challenges and overall professional journey.

3. How do you define project success? Your definition of success may sound different than the prospect’s. That’s why knowing the answer to this question is so important. When you find out what really matters to the prospect, you can go above and beyond to deliver it.

4. Why is now the right time? Timing is everything, Shkurina says. When you ask this question, you can identify the factors driving the prospect’s interest. She recommends asking this question when you have a solid understanding on their goals, but they haven’t explained their challenges, alternative solutions or other parts of their journey.

5. What factors will drive your ultimate decision? Just like in chess, you need to think ahead and plan your strategy accordingly. Ask the prospect that factors matter most to them. Whether it’s price, service or something else altogether, Shkurina says you can use the answer to figure out your next move.

6. How long will you be okay with the status quo? Change can be challenging, but it’s necessary for growth. Shkurina recommends asking this sales question to find out how long the prospect can afford to stick with the current process or competitor’s offerings.

7. Who else needs to be involved? Asking this question helps you narrow down the influencers, decision-makers and buying committee. Whether you’re working with a few stakeholders within the prospect’s company or external consultants, Shkurina says it’s a good idea to build relationships with all of them.

8. How does this align with your expectations? Ask the prospect how your promo solution fits into their overall vision. By listening attentively and adapting quickly, Shkurina says you can make the sales process more dynamic and effective.

Asking the wrong sales questions won’t accomplish much. Asking the right sales questions can help you build relationships and make the sale. Let the eight questions above guide you in your conversations with prospects.

Compiled by Audrey Sellers

Source: Elizaveta Shkurina is a senior creative strategist specializing in B2B brand creation, sales enablement and SaaS demand generation