People often reflect on their careers during major moves. They may earn a promotion or change companies. Or, they may start a business of their own. However, there’s a lot worth contemplating (and celebrating) in between these milestone moments. It’s during these in-between days, months and years that you build your career.

Leadership expert and bestselling author, Julie Winkle Giulioni, encourages leaders to examine a wider picture when it comes to careers and development. Whether you’re reflecting on what you have accomplished and what you still want to do in your own career, or you are guiding one of your team members, it helps to think about the time spent in between promotions or other big career moves.

In this issue of Promotional Consultant Today, we highlight four questions that Giulioni says leaders should ask themselves and their employees.

1. What does “career” mean to you? Everyone will have a different response to this question. Not everyone wants to climb the corporate ladder. For some, a successful career means doing what they love while providing for their family. A career to others might mean being able to share their talents or make a difference in their company or community. Others might view a career as a chance to stretch themselves and take on new challenges. When you ask your employees this question, you’ll get to know them better and you’ll also forge a deeper relationship, notes Giulioni.

2. What feelings would you like to experience more during your daily work? It’s meaningful to ask yourself this question to ensure your job aligns with what you really want to do. And by asking your employees this question, you can ensure you are providing the best possible experience for them. Giulioni points out that leaders can only respond to employees’ unique priorities and needs if they understand them. By starting a conversation with your employees, you can learn more about what they want out of their job.

3. How would you like to grow and develop now? When asking yourself this question, think about the skills you’ve wanted to learn but maybe haven’t had time to develop. Reskilling and upskilling are becoming increasingly important to future-proofing careers, says Giulioni. This is a meaningful career-reflection question for your team members, too. While you may not be able to offer frequent promotions, you can ensure your employees are getting the professional development that will help them grow. According to Giulioni, things like mentoring, coaching and workshops aren’t just welcome—they’re necessary.

4. When you look back on this time of your career, what do you hope you’ll have accomplished? Take time to think on this question. Stay in tune with your big dreams and reflect on how you can keep moving toward those aspirations. You can also gain some perspective on what your employees are thinking by posing this question. When you understand their goals, you can help them develop plans toward that desired tomorrow.

Don’t contemplate your career only during times of major change. The same is true during your conversations with employees. Make time to ask the questions above. When you do, you might discover more career fulfillment in the moment and get back on track to your next career goal.

Compiled by Audrey Sellers

Source: Julie Winkle Giulioni has been named one of Inc. Magazine’s top 100 leadership speakers. She co-authored the international bestseller, Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go: Career Conversations Organizations Need and Employees Want.