This month, PPAI recognizes the SPARK Advisory Work Group as the March PPB Volunteers of the Month. The Association’s PPB Volunteers of the Month have dedicated their time to progressing and fulfilling the charge of a committee, advisory group, work group or task force on which they serve.

The SPARK Advisory Work Group was created to engage young professionals in the promotional products industry and gain insight on the issues that are important to them. Its members include Kalie Herron, Herron and Associates; Chris Anderson, College Hill Custom Threads; John Cudahy, CAS, Prime; Kelsey Cunningham, IMAGEN Brands; Jeff Franklin, Headwear USA; Alyssa Inkrott, 3M Promotional Markets; Austin Moody, Grapevine Designs; Heather O’Neill, Walker Clay; and John Peddy, SAGE.

The group was nominated by Jody Mello, PPAI Manager of Professional Development and staff liaison for the group. She says, “The SPARK Advisory Work Group members have been an invaluable help with SPARK event design, logistics and brainstorming.”

Last year, the SPARK Work Group collaborated on a networking reception at The PPAI Expo 2017 and the inaugural SPARK Conference in Denver, Colorado. Through their efforts, the event sold out in a record-breaking eight weeks. Building on that success, the group held a sold-out SPARK After Dark Networking Reception at The PPAI Expo 2018 with over 100 participants, and they are diligently working on the upcoming SPARK 2018 Conference in Nashville, Tennessee in July.

In addition to working on the SPARK events, the group also has its own mentorship program designed to help members continue their professional development through their work group commitment and beyond.

“The PPAI SPARK Work Group plays an essential role in ensuring we can achieve our mission of engaging, educating and empowering young professionals in the industry. I am grateful for all the insight, hard work and dedication they have shown,” adds Mello. For more information about SPARK, please check out

PPAI is looking for the next PPB Volunteer of the Month. An ideal candidate for this recognition is a member who:

  • Is a current member of a committee, task force, or advisory group
  • Demonstrates an exemplary level of volunteer contribution
  • Contributes in a constructive and positive way to volunteer activities
  • Collaborates well with others
  • Demonstrates knowledge of the topics and work
  • Presents a positive influence during interaction with a group

Nominations may be submitted by current members of a committee, advisory group, work group, or task force, as well as by PPAI board members or PPAI staff. Those selected as PPB Volunteer of the Month will be announced and featured in a PPAI publication as well as the quarterly Volunteer Newsletter.

Nominations open the first of each month and close on the 15th. To nominate a current volunteer, complete the nomination form here.